
Moving From Legacy ETL to the Modern Data Stack

Hear how data engineering productivity at Group 1001 jumped 10x thanks to Fivetran and Coalesce

As a technology-driven financial services company, Group 1001 grappled with fundamental data challenges not unheard of in the financial services industry. There was no way of creating a unified view of all assets across the business, their data engineering team struggled to run fundamental pipelines in a timely manner, and data consumers across the company were stuck using stale insights drawn from incomplete reports.

Tune into this session to hear from Gu Xie, Head of Data Engineering as he explains how data engineering productivity jumped by 10X after Group 1001 migrated to a modern data stack with Coalesce, Snowflake, and Fivetran.

Co-hosted by Armon Petrossian, CEO & Co-founder at Coalesce and Taylor Brown, COO & Co-founder at Fivetran, this discussion and live Q&A cover:

  • Technical challenges that Group 1001 faced with legacy ETL tools, and the resulting impact on their data teams
  • How Snowflake, Fivetran and Coalesce enable Group 1001 to create a real-time, cohesive view of assets reported across the business and deliver timely insights to data consumers
  • How Group 1001’s data engineering team built a new data model in a matter of weeks, shortened development iteration cycles from 3 months to 2 days, and more

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