Coffee with Coalesce

Investing in Data and AI Startups with Joe Floyd and Saad Siddiqui

In this episode of Coffee with Coalesce, we’re excited to chat with Joe Floyd, General Partner at Emergence Capital, and Saad Siddiqui, General Partner at Telstra Ventures. Venture capital plays a pivotal role in guiding new companies and technologies to market, and our guests have had a first-row seat to the fast and furious growth and innovation happening in the industry over the past decade.

Ten years ago hardly anyone had heard of Snowflake. Just two years ago, LLMs were an obscure acronym known only to those deeply immersed in AI and ML. Today, it seems like AI is everywhere. What will tomorrow bring? What do VCs look for when investing in early-stage startups in the data and AI field. What are some markers of success? What are some red flags? Watch the podcast episode to find out.

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