
Manage dynamic data projects of any size

Standardize how you transform data at scale

Forget manually sorting through thousands of lines of code to make a single update.

Standardize and govern data transformations by generating consistent Snowflake-native code, and codifying repetitive transformations into data patterns your team can use to troubleshoot faster.

Watch your data projects evolve and grow

Bring visibility to change management and impact analysis with a clearer picture of how your data evolves through pipelines.

Surface context-rich metadata drawn from your data projects, allowing you to compare the current state of your data platform to your desired state while calculating the potential effects of any structural changes.

Get started

Plan and build sustainably for the future

Design and build data projects simultaneously using real data – so you can stop wasting time planning and focus on transforming data.

Reduce the cost of changes and ongoing maintenance by streamlining pipeline development, optimizing your compute resources, and maximizing Snowflake’s extensibility.

Explore next-gen data transformations for yourself

Experience the power of Coalesce with a 30-day trial